for those who explore deep and wide


Compassionate Communication in 2021

“I’m sick of him,” my student said. “He doesn’t understand anything about equality or sexism or how women might be feeling. He doesn’t want to listen. I’m just done. I

The Evolving Face of White Supremacy

In NVC, nonviolent communication,* we focus on feelings and needs. When needs are not met, conflicts arise. Strategies are the ways we try to get our needs met. This week,

menstruate men

Mama Earth Is On Her Moon

Mama Earth is on her Moon. We are the first days of her menstruation, the heaviest flowing. She releases the nest we were building in her body. She does not

women pole dancing

#31: Celebrating Women with Pole Dancing

I spent this morning with a pole hugged between my thighs. This position is both new and familiar to me. Perhaps all women know the simple, sensual joy of wrapping

ecuador biking

#29: 15 of 72 Bikers in Tucson

Today was a day for the wheels. I wanted to try my hand, or my pedals, at mountain biking and for me, that means mountain biking lite. I was going

#28 The Merry-Go-Round of Violence

A Review of Arts Express’ performance of Roger and Hammerstein’s “Carousel” in Tucson, AZ Today, I went to a production of Roger’s and Hammerstein’s “Carousel.” I knew nothing of this

Hand spiral

#20: Spirals, Satisfaction, and Pleasure

Oh no, I whisper to myself. I’m back here again. Back here in this physical location, back here in this mental landscape, back here in this emotional home. The words


#2: Super Bowl Showdown

Side note: Welcome to my mind. It wanders. This was written during the Super Bowl. I went from family to football to racism in football to coaches to female celebrities

woman love

30 Reflections for the 30 Year Dance: #1 A Woman’s World: Bodies, Solidarity, and Bleeding

Woman. Women. Womxn. Transwomen. Females. Femmes. Mothers of all definitions. Grandmothers. Sisters. We are special. In this lifetime, my path has been to be a white, cisgender*, heterocurious* woman and

Tree Final

Latin Love: Adolescents, Animals, and Adults (not all together)

Costa Rica: 2018 Dear God please. Dear Goddesses please. Dear Spirits please. The litany spirals in my ears as the airplane hits turbulence, again and again. What is turbulence, exactly?